Wednesday 31 January 2007

31 January 2007

A side Street in Taipei with little restaurants where the office workers eat
Salesmen plying there wares, coffee machines
Another side street

Young folk playing games on machines and their own players

31 January 2007

Kindergarten in Taipei Botanical Gardens These young Children were sing to Beethoven's 9Th symphony
Taipei Botanical Gardens
Taipei Botanical Gardens
Squirrel Taipei Botanical Gardens
This cutie with a wonderful smile was playing hide and seek with me

Tuesday 30 January 2007

30 January 2007

The Taiwan National History Museum
The National History Museum
The National History Museum
Motor Bike Shop

Another View of Motor Bike shop

30 January 2007

Tortoise in the university lake
The University lake
A small portion of the tennis, volleyball courts
Map of University
Another View of the lake

30 January 2007

First view of the Taipei University, It is as big as the whole Dapto are if not bigger
A view from University Library
University Table Tennis
University Swimming pool
And the massive Sports Arena which has everything you need

Monday 29 January 2007

29 January 2007

Advertising The Police Horse Show at Tamshui Fisherman's Wharf
A 15 year old Japanese Yuen Motor Bike
Wild Flowers
The Tamshui Fisherman's Wharf Footbridge

Yet some more Pigs

29 January 2007

View across Danshui River
Tamshui Fisherman's Wharf Entrance
The inevitable Question ASL

Tamshui Fisherman's Wharf Park

29 January 2007

A Warning
Caught by Lady Police Women for not wearing a Helmet
Tamshui Fisherman's Wharf and foot bridge
Tamshui Footbridge

A PUB where the music coming from it was Greensleeves

Sunday 28 January 2007

28 January 2007

Doggie and passenger
Dragons on Bridge Xindian River
Self Suspension Bridge over Xindian River
Neil on the Suspension Bridge on Xindian River
River from Suspension Bridge over Xindian River

Saturday 27 January 2007

27 January 2007

Some items at the Jade Market
Trees for sale at the weekend markets
Some of the Beautiful flowers for sale also at the weekend market
Neil in the grounds of his old school
Trying out the chair at IKEA

Friday 26 January 2007

26 January 2007

Little cutie next to me on the bus

Learner Driver
The Taipei 101 Worlds Tallest Building
Chinese Fortune Tellers at work

Taipei Main Railway Station