Thursday 29 November 2007

02 December 2007

Today we were to go to the Coast Town of Dansuai but Neil got called on family business so I had to make my own plans, firstly as usual I walked down the mountain then caught a bus halfway to the city then walked the rest, first stopping of At The Chaing Kai-shek memorial hall again lots of things still to see,

The Chaing Kai-shek HallChaing Kai-shek's Car
A model of the whole area under glass, people were taking pictures from above I decided to try from the end. you can see a lady taking a picture from above, but there are far to many reflections from there
On display were solar panels and a solar powered car
Electric Car
This young man, allowed me to take a picture of him and then came up and hugged me around the waist for some time, but do you know what when he let go he kicked me .

Gardens Chaing Kai-shek

The gentleman man in these pictures was very interesting, I stood there watching him make these paper aeroplane's for the children and he showed them how to make them fly, he said to me I will make you one and you can show the youngsters in your country how to do it as well; true to his word he made me one as shown in the picture below, he spoke good English, and he said he did this every Sunday after going to the Presbyterian Church, where up to a few years ago he was the organist and had been for 40 years, there now being three organists; he said that he also played for concerts Mozart Bach and others in the Taipei Concery Hall, in his bag he had an array of photos of himself from when he started playing I did take a picture of the last one where he was 65, a very nice genuine man.

I walked to the Markets where I took the following Pictures

Neil Tells me this man is Political

The Lights showing how many seconds you have left to cross the road

This is a young man

01 December 2007

Today we drrove to Wulai not to far from our village; it is known for its hot spa's, you will see the difference in the water in the picture above the fresh water coming into the river which has the spa water in it, just below where this picture was taken people were in the river itself, useing it as a spa

Church on the hill at Wulai
Two views from our dinner table at Shilin Night Market

30 November 2007

Indoor Fishing for Crayfish you pay and what you catch is yours

The CEO On Lunch Break
Family Feeding the fish The Fish
Art Classes in the park
The National Concert Hall in the Chaing Ki Shek Memorial Hall area Having a face lift all new tiles being fitted if you look closely you will see two me on the roof hosing the residue of the old ones off, the same is happening to the National Theatre as well seen below
The Chiang Ki Shek Memorial also getting a face lift

29 November 2007

The Typhoon Rain having gone I did walk down the mountain today, near the bottom I saw this Wedding Sedan and too this picture, un-be-knowing to me the Bride & Groom were sitting in the back, no driver. if you enlarge the picture you can just see them.
One of the many bike parking lots in the Taiwan National University
A Duck in the University Lake
A Modern Temporary Facade to a new high rise building being built behind same; it has the name of new Building (Crystal Mansion) on it, when building is complete it will be removed.
Getting Ready for Christmas here

Monday 26 November 2007

26 November 2007

There being a Typhoon forecast for here soon we are now feeling the effects of it with lots and lots of rain, latest news is that it might not hit Taiwan but as I said we will continue to get the effects with the rain, the first picture is of plants on the Taipei Underground Metro at the Chaing Ki Shek Memorial Hall Station, the second picture is of TV Trucks outside the Weather Bureau waiting for information on the typhoon, there were a few more trucks parked on the road

Sunday 25 November 2007

25 November 2007

Friends on the train

Christian outside meeting in park

Saturday 24 November 2007

24 Novemeber 2007

Today we had a drive along the coastline

Wind power 1klm there was a hydro power station and another 10klm a nuclear power station

Different slant


Fish shop all types of meals but no fish and chips
Incredible rock structures all along this coast