Saturday 25 February 2012

25 February 2012

Today did go to watch Jeff play Cricket for Dapto at King George IV Oval Port Kembla when I arrived Jeff told me he was injured and football training last night and could not play, in the picture above Dapto in the field and in the background is Hill 60.
Below Jeff, Linda and I watching game

Saturday 18 February 2012

18 February 2012

A Visitor in My Garage tonight when I went to close the door

Saturday 11 February 2012

11 February 2012

Some views on my walk today first two girls soccer practice taking shots at goal
This was brilliant the young lad with hat on caught a small flathead fish it was evidently his first you should have heard the noise he made and jumping shouting out pop get it for me you see pop puts foot on fish it was lovely to see the excitement of the young fellow
Pelican on lamp second picture is of his mates, they like being on them at winters night as they have their own heater when light is on

Sunday 5 February 2012

Today I drove 10 kilometers from my home to a place called Bass Point Reserve and did my walk along the waterfront the fishermen on the rocks fishing; the intelligent ones had life jackets on, mind you they were catching fish and in one picture you will see fish lying besides the Esky they being so full Esky is an Australian Brand of Cooler

In 1943 an American Freighter went aground, and as you will below there were some brave people

Closer to home Shellharbour South Beach