Tuesday 25 December 2012

Christmas Dinner 2012

Today we had Christmas Dinner at the Dapto Leagues Club,  along with another 491 people, you could eat as much as you wanted we were all given a raffle ticket. and Daryl and I, were lucky enough to win prizes he  a Jim Beam Racing Team Hip Flask with Shaving Gear and I, a Jim Beam Racing Team Hat (Wearing in Picture) also Shaving Gear  
Left to right Jeff, Deborah, Daryl. Linda Yours Truly, Mark, Julie, Glenn and Jaye

Tuesday 18 December 2012

18 December 2012

 Just went for a short drive to Hill 60 after shopping at Westfield Warrawong a nice day for some pictures

Wednesday 12 December 2012

12 December 2012

 Today I started My journey back to Australia via Shanghai relaxing at Taipei Airport
 Views of  the plane I travelled on

 I was talking with 3 young Taiwanese men at Shanghai airport they were on their way to Melbourne to start a one year working holiday, said they would be in Sydney for the new years eve fireworks display on the Harbour, was nice to have someone to talk to in the 3 hour wait even longer as the plane was an hour late

Sunday 9 December 2012

08 December 2012

 A friend Wilbur left a message on the blog the other day here he is playing and-singing for us
Today it was again Heavy Rain Guy Playing wooden instruments in the underground mall

Friday 7 December 2012

07 December 2012

 Today with sunshine at last went for a walk along the Xindian River at Gongguan some of the views

 Came across these youngsters for kindergarten The young Fellow in front even gave me a V fingers Beautiful Kids
 I walked to Ximan and saw lions members from Beijing visiting they also wanted my picture lol, so I asked for one with them

Thursday 6 December 2012

06 December 2012

 Today I had dinner with a dear Friend Dawson I travelled there in the Metro Car in Picture, Dawson is a marathon runner and I purchase Elmore Oil for him and his friends is is cheaper for them even sending it by post

 On way home came across this class of students from and arts college some with paints and most with expensive cameras, I was asked by a few of them for photo's of myself about six of them took photos some with other students in pictures with me lol,

Monday 3 December 2012

03 December 2012

 Today with no rain at start but overcast did go for a walk through the Taiwan National University then to Daan Park where it started again to rain, from there I walked to Chang Ki Shek memorial hall to get some shelter, took these pictures of paintings of Chang-Ki Shek on horseback

 Changing Guard also seen in Video below
 Different view of concert hall
 More Pigeons than Trafalgar Square at exit to memorial hall 

 Very handy in metro stations here should be same in Other Places
 Guards returning to control
This is taken at a bus stop each bus has wireless contact to control and a on each bus stop has a radio  transmitter  which then broadcasts on the bus where they are, and all this info is transmitted to bus stops as above, it tell you when it will arrive and how many stops it is away from you, so far ahead

Saturday 1 December 2012

01 December 2012

 Today with the heavy Rain and saying goodbye to  a very dear friend Alan who I might not see again before my return to Australia as on Monday whilst doing his military stint of a year will move to another Place but there is a chance I could see him next weekend he will find out when moved to new barracks I just jumped on the metro and buses had dinner in Xindian as seen here and the other picture was taken across the road from restaurant