Saturday 23 February 2013

Thursday 21 February 2013

21 February 2013

 Today Bella & Ray left Dapto after 2 weeks staying with Linda, and on their way to Perth for 6 days then Shanghai for 4 days then back to UK 
 I did accompany them to the airport first two pictures taken at Linda's door

Having Coffee and Muffins at Airport

Guess what Fryers are?

Tuesday 19 February 2013

19 February 2013

 Today after having Nuclear Imaging on my bones did meet Linda, Julie, Ray & Bella Whyte at North Wollongong Beach

 Julie, Ray, Bella and Linda

Monday 11 February 2013

Welcome Bella And Ray and Happy Birthday Daryl

 This evening we had Dinner welcoming Bella and Ray Members of brother Charlie's wife Edie's  family thus Linda and Julies cousins they being on a world tour and spending a few weeks with Linda, also celebrating Daryl's Birthday
 Julie, Deborah, Jeff, Ray, Bella, Glenn, Jayde, Linda hiding Daryl and David

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Michaels Farewell

 Today I took Michael to the airport after his one month in Australia He made me so proud to have such a great Great Nephew I will miss him so much 
 Michaels Last dinner at my place

 At my doorway before we left for Airport
Asleep at way to Airport and at the departure area 

Monday 4 February 2013

Michaels Snowman made of Sand on Windang Beach

 Today we helped Michael full-fill his Desire and that being of building a snowman on the Windang Beach out of sand, his co-workers Linda, Mark and Myself, you will see here various stages of the process

Michael saying farewell to his artistic masterpiece 

Sunday 3 February 2013

Michaels Farewell Dinner at The Dapto Leagues Club

 Jeff, Deborah, Linda, Michael, David, Daryl, Glenn, Mark and Julie
 Leaving the club, David Glenn Linda, Michael, Jeff, Deborah, Julie and Mark
On the way to the dinner Michael and I called into Deborah and Jeff's home with their dog on Back Veranda

Friday 1 February 2013

01 February 2013

 Tonight we Had a great meal and time at Late Brother Tom and Wife Joyce s Granddaughter Kerrie's and Husband Glenn and their Daughters Sienna and Matilda home along with sister Michele and Husband Anthony above Kerrie and Michael
 Three Nerds Matilda, Sienna and Michael
 Left to right, Anthony. Sienna, Michele, Michael, Kerrie,Matilda and Glenn