Tuesday 30 September 2008

30 September 2008

Today there was no rain but overcast, after 3 days of Typhoon weather so was able to get out and do my walk

Came across this old lady with this set up, she collects all the recyclable items and gets monies for them you can see there are quite a few umbrellas that the typhoon made useless, I don't know where she got all the bags.
These two pictures are one of a Bank's staff preparing to burn paper money (made for this occasion) this is to support those who have passed on, also you will See food on the table for the same reason, the picture below is of shopkeepers doing the same thing burning the money

More views of the river for the second time in two weeks flooded from typhoons

This area like the area in next picture were completely submerged yesterday covering the footpath, in the distance you will see a truck with hose, hosing down the mud from the footpath, one town had 985 points of rain in one day; I would think this is more than Sydney gets in a year

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