Monday 1 December 2008

27 to 30 November 2008

This weekend I did drive the Illawarra Representative Cricket Team to Gosford for The country Championships there being 8 districts involved, I was also the scorer for the Illawarra.
The fist picture is of the Manager The Coach and Captain discussing players who would be or could be picked for the Illawarra under 21 side (Colts)

Gaye and I scoring, Gaye represented The Central North Zone; a nice lady

Some of the Illwarrra team relaxing whilst waiting to play, the rain affected each days play it was a 60 over competition, the first game we only had 4 overs, the second 35 overs each, and the third 43 overs each

The 16 of us
Back Row, L to R
Me ( Bus Driver & Scorer), Neil Coad (Coach); Scott Cox, Andrew Northbridge (Captain), Robert Andonoski, Matt Treuberg, Jamie Fleming, Alex Lebsantf, Shannon Crewdson. &Tommi Bozinovski.
Front Row L to R
Steven Davies (Manager), Dean Merola, Robert Fisher, Paul Mason, Graeme Batty, & Mark Johnston

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