Sunday 27 December 2009

27 December 2009

Today we took a long bus trip north to the Gold Ecological Park, this is an area where both Gold and Copper were mind, and was also run by the Japanese in 2nd World War, the Emperor even having a Palace built for himself, but is also a place where they did some atrocious things to British Service Men Captured in Singapore and sent here to work in the copper and gold mines, In one of the pictures if you click on it you will see what was done.

Map of the area

Entrance to a mine shaft

Click on this and read what they were about with British Service Men

Views around the mine

Some kind of local religion. notice the lightning conductor on its head

Saturday 26 December 2009

26 December 2009

Today we spent the day in various parts of Taipei firstly again in the Chaing-Ki-Shek where the first picture you see is of a massive figure inflated with various enjoyment things inside for the children's Pleasure if you enlarge picture by clicking on it you will see people on the forehead of the figure

The next pictures are of the Army, Navy and Air-force Practising marching for some special occasion to held at a later date

also there was entertainment like this guy singing

Street full of Scooters
And after dinner and before catching bus home took this picture of the Taipei 101 Building

Friday 25 December 2009

25 December 2009

Today being Christmas day we did all go out to a restaurant for dinner on our way we came over this unique way of promoting oranges in the main Taipei railway station and below a temporary market outsdie the main entrance
Above and entrance into another night market and below The front of Longshan Temple in downtown Taipei. Longshan ("Dragon Mountain.") is the main Taipei temple in the Mazu (Matsu) cult. Mazu is a protector of sailors and families. The cult began in mainland Fujian province, 120 miles west of Taiwan, in the Song Dynasty (960-1279) and this temple is really a branch of the main temple there. This temple was first built in the early 1700s and was renovated in the 1800s.

Me with the commissionaire of a big apartment store done up as father Christmas

I don't think he liked me taking his picture

A sick man with his carer in a park feeding Sparrows, they seem smaller than the ones in Australia

Wednesday 23 December 2009

23 December 2009

September 2008 when here and a Typhoon the footpath I was on the river below was flooded and she can see in the second picture on the bridge piles how far the water was up them

This is the way the council gets you to do the right thing with dog's crap, I did see one lady actually wiping her Labrador's rectum with a tissue

Tuesday 22 December 2009

22 December 2009

With the forgoing flower show when walking down the main street did see this Cow on a Surf Board, and made me think if he fell off would it Be a Cowslip?

Sunday 20 December 2009

20 December 2009

Today Neil and I went a long bus trip to a market town called Jin-san known for its Sweet Potato sales as you will see in the picture above.
These blocks of herbal substances you boil it hot water and make a nice soothing drink very good for colds and such I having a cold at the moment did try and found quite satisfying.

A small portion of the huge crowds

The Towns Buddhist Temple

The Main Buddha at the Temple but one thing wrong he is a Fryer (Friar)

Neil at the Metro Station on our way back

A picture taken with phone camera on my walk tonight over the Suspension Bridge across the Xindian River near where I am staying