Friday 25 December 2009

25 December 2009

Today being Christmas day we did all go out to a restaurant for dinner on our way we came over this unique way of promoting oranges in the main Taipei railway station and below a temporary market outsdie the main entrance
Above and entrance into another night market and below The front of Longshan Temple in downtown Taipei. Longshan ("Dragon Mountain.") is the main Taipei temple in the Mazu (Matsu) cult. Mazu is a protector of sailors and families. The cult began in mainland Fujian province, 120 miles west of Taiwan, in the Song Dynasty (960-1279) and this temple is really a branch of the main temple there. This temple was first built in the early 1700s and was renovated in the 1800s.

Me with the commissionaire of a big apartment store done up as father Christmas

I don't think he liked me taking his picture

A sick man with his carer in a park feeding Sparrows, they seem smaller than the ones in Australia

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