Tuesday 2 February 2010

01 February 2010

Today traveled from Shanghai to Zhouzhuang a water town, no far from Suzhou

White Pigeons

When getting on Metro in Shanghai one has to have their baggage x-rayed

The bottle opener building is at the moment the tallest building in Shangahai

Like talking to a brick wall

Adam and I

Shanghai across the river


In park near concert hall

Concert Hall

All Taxis are Volkswagen's

We got Taxi to bus station for our trip to Zhouzhuang the driver stopped some 3 blocks away said he could go no closer, there were these people wanting to carry your luggage of this rough road so we paid lady in picture 10 yuan to do so $2 AUD we soon found out why the taxi could not get any closer the road was flooded and as you will see in the pictures below the only way across was to pay these people to ferry you across in trolley and such, cost us another 15 yuan 5 for each of us and 5 yuan for my case, a matter of 3 yards. and a lot of pushing and shoving.

This is what it looked like an hour later when we were on our bus heading out water had receded somewhat and they had put planks across, the police were confiscating some of the peoples trolly's

Vendors who had been along the rout now running away from police, even with a smile

Pork Leg Dinner

Lady singing for us as we ate our pork leg

1 comment:

eric said...

what did the statue said to you??
you pointed at him so angry~