Sunday 18 April 2010

18 April 2010

Today I did attend with my niece Linda a gathering of people at the Kembla Heights Bowling Club in aid of the Breast Cancer Group, this was arranged by Janette Grant and friends A total over over $1100 was raised in this cause, the venue club as the name implies is high up on Mount Kembla amidst the coal mining area of the Illawarra.

The club house and bowling green Kembla Heights Bowling Club I must say the management of this club were very generous in their support of this cause

The lady with Janette Grant, in black is a person who has suffered from breast cancer and she gave her thoughts of her will to overcome and impressed upon us all that we must always be positive
We were awaiting the decision of the umpire as to who won the spider bowl up, this is where everyone has a bowl, and all spread around the green and when a whistle is blown we have to bowl our ball to a marker in the center of the green, bowls went everywhere quite funny

The winner of the spider bowl; was John Whiter being presented with a bottle of whiskey by Phillip Grant (No it was not Grants Whiskey)

The participants Ladies with their coloured cancer awareness shirts and yes one male
Three prize winners
Yours truly Bowling, the fellow in the foreground with the rather colourful shoes was Ian the Referee and Judge for the day

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