Friday 30 July 2010

30 July 2010

Today i had a very eventful trip back to Australia from New Zealand after traveling 3 hours by bus from mount Maunganui to the Auckland Airport. I was told that I was not booked on that flight, I said how come when I have my ticket and booking number here, the girl took ages checking and repeated that I was not booked on, she finally sent me to another area where I spent another half hour trying to sort things out, when the new lady said that I had rang up and canceled my booking, I said that is very odd why would I do that and now turn up, my blood pressure was getting very high and I was frustrated thinking I would not get on the flight, eventually they decided that my ticket was valid, and gave me a boarding pass, this did not leave me much time to do my shopping and things before boarding time, got there just before boarding time and low and behold boarding time was 45 minutes later, then we sat on the runway for ages there being a lot of fog; taking off an hour late, we flew over clouds all the way and here are some pictures of those clouds, you will see one when we arrived at Sydney that it was under a cloud of fog and we had to circle airport once,

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