Monday 18 July 2011

17 July 2011

Today was my last day in Taiwan, and we had to drive for 5 hours to the Airport, most of the time spent on As I was told the Worlds 3rd most Dangerous Road I and I can see why; I was hanging on all the time the road was so winding and mountainous, not allowing me time to take pictures, last year Rocks fell onto the road and at the time there were to Tourist buses passing the rocks took the Buses and the Road Down a very high cliff into the see all lives were lost, we did see some loose rocks that had fallen along the road you would not know much about it if they landed on your car, but there were some very mad drivers as well, it was an experience that I would not be very keen to do again, Mind you the scenery was so beautifull these are the only ones I had a chance to take.

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