Friday 27 January 2012

Some Old Pictures of the Fryer Family

Aunt Eliza and Sister Florence
Sister Elizabeth (Betty)
Brother Charlie
Brother Tom
Brother Sid and wife Ruth (Cousin of Paul McCartney)
Brother Bill 
Sister Eileen

Brother John
Yours Truely
Brother Paul

John, Paul and David Picking Daffodils at Hay-on-Wye Wales 

The Name Should Read Susan, Stephen and Jane
Annette, Susan, Stephen and Jane

Barbara, Elizabeth and Maree

Linda's Husband with visa photo stamp
The following is a copy of a letter Mum sent to Joyce and Tom Early in 1954

The following is copy of a letter also sent to Joyce and Tom by our sister Elizabeth Ruby Fryer (Betty) in 1949 it was written when in Pinewood Sanatorium where she was gravely ill with Tuberculosis, I will never ever forget Betty  she was sent home as they could not do anything more for her, I used to sit in her room every day  talking with her she taught me how to knit (came in handy 1974 in New Zealand where I taught Eileen's Daughter Alison how to cast on) I was sitting with her one afternoon when she said David I feel very sick, I said will I get mum to get the Doctor she said no I WANT TO  SEE MY JESUS, you can imagine how I felt I went out and was crying and sitting on the stairs when mum said whats wrong I said mum Betty is dying she said no shes not. I had to leave and do my Paper run I was crying all the way there and people were asking what was wrong I told them, I had to deliver a paper to our place and when I got there was just the time Betty past away this all such a short time after telling me what she wanted 

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