Friday 6 April 2007

06 April 2007

Not long after arriving in Taipei Neil took me to some market places where they also cook food on Stalls and Restaurant fronts, at one of these markets I noticed this awful smell coming from one food stalls, and on asking Neil what it was, he explained that it was a delicacy they call Stinky Tofu, my reply was that it smelt more like Dog Poo(S...) at which he laughed, and every time since that we have come across it cooking we say there's that Stinky Dog Poo, well yesterday Neil informed me that we were going to Shenkeng today which is solely for the serving of Stinky Tofu, there were Restaurant after Restaurant, Stall after Stall displaying and selling this stuff Dog Poo (s...) Well I had promised Neil that I would try it before going back to Australia, well today was the day, Neil ordered the meal and along came this Stinky Tofu and true to my word I did taste it, and believe it or not it tasted exactly like it smelt Dog Poo (s...) mind you I must be fair to the dogs I have never tasted theirs.
One display of Stinky Tofu
The Poo Neil ordered
Young people cuing up to partake
A restaurant full of Dog Poo worshipers

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