Monday 24 November 2008

23-24 Novemeber 2008

On Saturday I did drive the Illawarra District Representative Cricket team to Newcastle, this being after the local 1 day games had finished we arrived at Newcastle at 23:15. The picture above is of Mark Johnston batting for the Illawarra, an below another scene of the ground

Paul Mason, Jamie Fleming & I above.

Friday 14 November 2008

14 November 2008

Today Linda & I had lunch with Joyce & Tom, Tom asked me to copy these pictures for the family, well here they are, the first one of John

Angela & Thomas are Thea & brother Paul's Children, Alison is the Daughter Of sister Eileen & Malcolm

Sunday 9 November 2008

08 November 2008

Neil, Me & DawsonAnd to top the day off we got a phone call saying that Evan wanted to see me as he had something for me, well the gift he gave me you can see above I was flabbergasted it is an expensive hand made Chinese Figurine as in the picture above with the message David I love you Evan, I was lost for words he gave me a hug and a kiss from this 6 year old, who loves playing chess playing the piano, and mathematics

Friday 7 November 2008

07 November 2008

The other side from where I am standing

Back up at the Village from where I had walked

Nearing the bottom of the mountain
Yesterday would not have been able to take this picture as was all barricaded in

My Dear Friends Neil, Emmie Husband Allen who shouted us out to a very nice vegetarian restaurant just near where the first picture was taken half way down the mountain

Alan and the owner of the restaurant, Alan is an Eye Specialist

Saying goodbye to Emmie and Alan and there new big VW car, they gave me a nice small memento as a farewell gift

06 November 2008

Today I got the normal bus to the city rather than the metro, and when we got to where the Chan-Ki-Shek memorial hall is situated the place was crowded with more coaches than I had ever seen in one place, thought must be a big tourist party, but when we go to the end of the road the bus I was on did not take its normal rout but just turned and headed back the other way, no speaking Chinese I did not know why this was so. I soon found out there was this hell of a noise of sirens blowing after some guy had spoken on the loud speaker, well the whole main city was closed off with barricades as seen in these pictures, in May the green party here lost power and their ex president is being investigated for fraud, the new president had invited a member of the mainland Chinese government over for talks, and he was in the country. Most of the protesters had come from the south of the Island the green Party stronghold, thus all the coaches
Fierce clashes between police and opposition Democratic Progressive Party supporters injured dozens today during protests against the meeting between Chinese negotiator Chen Yunlin and President Ma Ying-jeou

Taipei Main Station

School Sports

Bus loads of police heading to the city

The Hotel where the Chinese Minister was staying and below some of the guards

My Dinner
In the night market food area
Some friendly people advertising

Wednesday 5 November 2008

05 November 2008

Today I went for a very long walk; I have only a few days left, walked down the mountain and around the massive university where i took the first picture in the sports oval, and in the picture you can see the sports arena of the university then through all the underground malls which was much cooler, Neil tells me he cant remember an Autumn being so hot

Taipei 101 in the background

Just a footpath
A quaint little girl enthralled by the music being played on the Harp by the lady she stood mesmerised for ages watching and listening to the music which was beautifulAn unusual form of massaging, I got the permission of the practitioners to take the pictures, each practitioner has a meat chopper in each hand and is hitting the bodies with them I don't know what the results look like

Monday 3 November 2008

01 November 2008

The Dapto Cricket Club Gear

Advertising the Dapto Leagues Club

Walking Down the hill to the small Temple half way down, the temple is special to Neils Village Its is said to be a watch over the village

Getting the bus then metro to Beitou where there some hot springs from the mountains
Whilst walking to the springs we did come across a wedding shoot, and Neil said he thought they were both women, by looks and by what the photographer said?
The very hot water coming down from the spring full of sulphur

I got my free taste of it and boy was it hot even all this way down the mountain

you can see the sulphur on the rocks

A lake near the bottom you can see the steam


The Lillie's of the field (water) how they grow; they toil not; neither do they spin; yet I say unto you Even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these