Monday 3 November 2008

01 November 2008

The Dapto Cricket Club Gear

Advertising the Dapto Leagues Club

Walking Down the hill to the small Temple half way down, the temple is special to Neils Village Its is said to be a watch over the village

Getting the bus then metro to Beitou where there some hot springs from the mountains
Whilst walking to the springs we did come across a wedding shoot, and Neil said he thought they were both women, by looks and by what the photographer said?
The very hot water coming down from the spring full of sulphur

I got my free taste of it and boy was it hot even all this way down the mountain

you can see the sulphur on the rocks

A lake near the bottom you can see the steam


The Lillie's of the field (water) how they grow; they toil not; neither do they spin; yet I say unto you Even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these

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