Wednesday 30 May 2012

30 May 2012 Auckland NZ

 Civic Theater   
 Town Square
Town Hall

Tuesday 29 May 2012

29 May 2012

 First eight pictures taken in Albert Park Auckland

 These two Pictures of office workers out of office due to Fire Alarm

 Was I seeing things when I saw this Rainbow seeing two at once

Monday 28 May 2012

28 May 2012

 Views of trees opposite my hotel and pic of hotel

Well Known Racing Yachts in The Auckland Harbour

 Auckland Harbour Bridge
 Away from everyone and under a very big circular concrete tank i did see this young man playing this piano and singing he got a shock when I approached him, it turned out that this young man was from Sweden on a working visa in NZ and had seen this piano sitting there and opened it up sat down and made use of it, he thought it might belong to one of the boats, he was such a nice young man and a great smile

 Victoria park where I Played a lot of cricket and where I broke my left forefinger whilst Filling in as wicket-keeper

Three Girls having pictures taken with a well known person a previous Mayor of Auckland and now a member of the NZ Government John Banks  outside a Pub
having a picture taken with some girls outside an Auckland Pub

Sunday 27 May 2012

27 May 2012

 Today traveled from Mount Maunganui by bus to Auckland we stopped at Paeroa for 30 minutes 
 One of the unusual number plates seen in New Zealand

The Paeroa Hotel
 At the restaurant where we stopped I was told there was a special Party inside and was told it was this table, I approached and said that i had been told something special at this table and the lady in green was quick to Its my Fathers 101st Birthday, wow I lent forward and shook his hand, he telling me he was near Wormwood Scrubs in London also adding he had been inside the prison once as a chorister when young, and the amazing thing was he had all his own teeth, they were lovely people

 Another amazing this day after arriving in Auckland I had a meal outside and when I went to my seat there was a wallet someone had forgotten, I took it to the person at counter and asked what should I do he said don't know, so I asked a lady to watch as I opened it looking for address we could not find one but plenty of credit cards and Student passes, I went back to my seat and took these pictures as evidence and after finishing meal would go to police station not far away, I had just finished when I saw this young man running down the street he ran straight at me, gave me a hug and said thanks, a great finish to a great day

Tuesday 22 May 2012

22 May 2012

 Views from lookout over the Bay of Plenty and Mount Maunganui

 Ferry arriving from a Maori Island with truck on board passenger waiting to go back

 A dead Butterfly
 Thought I was back in Taiwan seeing this scooter
Birds Nest