Monday 28 May 2012

28 May 2012

 Views of trees opposite my hotel and pic of hotel

Well Known Racing Yachts in The Auckland Harbour

 Auckland Harbour Bridge
 Away from everyone and under a very big circular concrete tank i did see this young man playing this piano and singing he got a shock when I approached him, it turned out that this young man was from Sweden on a working visa in NZ and had seen this piano sitting there and opened it up sat down and made use of it, he thought it might belong to one of the boats, he was such a nice young man and a great smile

 Victoria park where I Played a lot of cricket and where I broke my left forefinger whilst Filling in as wicket-keeper

Three Girls having pictures taken with a well known person a previous Mayor of Auckland and now a member of the NZ Government John Banks  outside a Pub
having a picture taken with some girls outside an Auckland Pub

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