Saturday 31 March 2007

31 March 2007

With the guard to our village block, There are guards on the road to the village ,and a guard to each block
Marinated shrimps for sale open air market
View of part of the market
This is a bowl of soft drink called "Jelly Jade"
Just trying the camera out on night shots under the motorway bridge across the Xindian River

31 March 2007

Adjacent to The National Palace Museum of Taiwan there are some Beautiful Gardens as seen the pics below and some gigantic gold fish in the ponds

31 March 2007

These two links are of two of the most important items at the Museum

Neil and I at the National Palace Museum, The Chinese have been trying to get all these fantastic ancient artifacts back, it is an eye opener of a place and wonderful Museum not to be missed.

The Museum From the main road
The National Palace Museum of Taiwan

Friday 30 March 2007

30 March 2007

Taipei Golf course surrounded with netting all the way round as shown in another picture
An Afghan hound for sale at a pet shop, poor thing, I had to tell the owner of the shop there was no water in the Cage and it was 30 Celsius
A good footpath
The golf course netting
Just more nice flowers

Thursday 29 March 2007

29 March 2007

Not a mode of transport I like myself. The father with a real young child attached to him, and mother with smaller one on the back, the worst part is that the driver has only one eye
The Hyatt Hotel Taipei
Gardens at Dr.Sun Yat_sen memorial hall and the 101 building in background
My two young Buddies who have befriended me on the bus to our village, I think they are brothers and great kids, if they are brothers Jackie the oldest one keeps a good eye on the younger one, it is worth the trip to Taiwan to have such nice smiles greet you every day.
Jackie and his brother at the back of the queue all these children live in our village and are all great friends they Call me Grandad cheeky little lad is trying to hide under the sign

29 March 2007

National Dr. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hall Taipei he is celebrated as the founding father of Taiwan
His Statue

Description of sculpture in picture below

The Old Fart yet again

28 March 2007

A lady Cobbler on the footpath
Nice Yellow butterfly on the wall outside units
Squirrel having a feed this one was being hand fed

Bird in a pond in a Daan Park

Tuesday 27 March 2007

27 March 2007

Another View of the units from Vegetarian Restaurant half way down the hill
The Restaurant
An open air fishmonger
A church surrounded by homes each side

This screen is of my Bus and Metro ticket laying in a tray at the metro station (Yellow Card Bottom Center) this computer reads your card and tells you how much balance you have left on the card and all the transactions, you will see that each bus trip cost $8 Taiwan = 30.7 cents Australian. to travel from Taipei center to the station where I catch the bus home cost $24 tw 92.3 cents Australian but if I get on another bus in the next hour the computer deducts $4 tw from the metro fare, There are various grades of tickets, Junior school children and those over 65 when they get on the bus or train and put their ticket against the reader it beeps three times, older students including university students, plus government employees theirs beeps twice, and for all other it beeps just the once.

Sunday 25 March 2007

25 March 2007

Again was asked to have this picture taken, was a bit worried thinking it might be political but was in fact people seeking blood donors Good people that made me feel good after

Saturday 24 March 2007

24 March 2007

A shopkeeper making candy for sale in his shop, one end is fastened to a pole and he stretches it out, and continues to stretch, and then winds it around the pole, he has in his left hand (make the picture bigger and you will see) Quit an artist at his trade.
The Old Fart at the Wulai Falls
The Log Railway to the Wulai falls and Cable Car
One Man and his Dog went to swim the River
The Wulai the Hot Spa Village

Friday 23 March 2007

23 March 2007

High in the mountains of the Yangminshan National Park A Roadside Vendor
The dense foliage alongside the track
The site of the eruption
Along the track
The Lake full of tadpoles