Thursday 15 March 2007

14 March 2007

Some ladies preparing Betel Nuts for sale, they agreed to me taking the pictures if i would eat one of the Betel Nuts, so I agreed and the man who was there; when I put it in my mouth said I had to chew it then spit it out, it was in my mouth a very short period, foul and I spat it out into their bin, which gave them all a great laugh
Taiwanese betel nut kiosks, heavily decorated with bright neon lights, are most common on highways and suburban roads in the western part of the island, such as around Taichung. The main clientele is composed of truck drivers who chew the mildly addictive nuts for the stimulant to help them stay awake on long trips. The high profitability of betel nut production and commerce has led to a multiplication of such kiosks, and as competition for customers' attention has increased, the girls staffing them have been wearing less and less. In 2002, local governments began to ban nudity and excessively revealing clothing in betel nut kiosks, first in Taipei City, then in neighbouring Taoyuan County. As of 2004, although betel nut beauties still exist, they are now more modestly dressed than in previous years.
Bicycles parked at the university in Taipei two tiered very ingenious way of getting them up there
A Bronze Statue of a Horse

A Courtesy Bus waiting at the Dapinglin Station to take people to and from the Buddhist Hospital even have guys there to show the way and aide people