Tuesday 27 March 2007

27 March 2007

Another View of the units from Vegetarian Restaurant half way down the hill
The Restaurant
An open air fishmonger
A church surrounded by homes each side

This screen is of my Bus and Metro ticket laying in a tray at the metro station (Yellow Card Bottom Center) this computer reads your card and tells you how much balance you have left on the card and all the transactions, you will see that each bus trip cost $8 Taiwan = 30.7 cents Australian. to travel from Taipei center to the station where I catch the bus home cost $24 tw 92.3 cents Australian but if I get on another bus in the next hour the computer deducts $4 tw from the metro fare, There are various grades of tickets, Junior school children and those over 65 when they get on the bus or train and put their ticket against the reader it beeps three times, older students including university students, plus government employees theirs beeps twice, and for all other it beeps just the once.

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