Saturday 17 March 2007

17 March 2007

Bridge on the Gold Ecological Park Ruifang Taiwan
.Photo of <span class=Cyuanji Temple" hspace=10 src="" width=150 align=left> Cyuanji Temple is the local religion center, built in 1896, worships gold face Guangong which was the only one in Taiwan. The gold copper Guangong statue on top of the temple, weighs 25 tons, is the largest Guangong sacred portrait in the world. The Green Grass Ceremony, a special ceremony, held every year on the Dragon Boat Festival. The local people will go out, carry the spirit sedan chair, searching for medical herbs. The spirit will indicate where the herbs are, depending on where the horizontal pole points to, and the people will gather the herbs as instructed. Stones and loofah are also gathered, other than the various herbs, and need to bring back to the temple as well for it is the spirit’s instruction. One the second day, the herbs are washed and dried. On the third day, they are pounded in a stone mortar and then spreaded and let dry. It will take at least seven days to complete the pounding process, depending on the condition of the weather. The last step is to rub the herbs into balls that are 3 cm in diameter by the local people and finish the making of Hundred Herbs Pellet

View from the Gold Trail
220 Kilo Block of Gold which people were touching through some holes place each side of the container, and a day later i see this on the net..

Thieves bolt with gold from Japan museum
Sunday Mar 18 20:55 AEDT
Three masked men on Sunday snatched a block of gold bullion valued at roughly $US1.71 million ($A2.17 million) from a Japanese museum that allowed visitors to touch the 100kg piece.
Shoving aside a woman museum worker, the three then fled with an accomplice who had been serving as lookout at the museum in Takayama, a small city in central Japan.
"There were no sensors or burglar alarms, since the museum allowed its visitors to touch the gold as they wanted," a police spokesman said.
He could not explain why the gold had been displayed in the museum,

And the block in the picture is 220 kilo so about $5million Australian Dollars

A Chalet built Just for Emperor Hirohito of Japan in 1922 when he visited the Gold mine

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