Wednesday 8 October 2008

08 October 2008

Today I went into Taipei main centre saw all this traffic mayhem, and from a distance a loud speaker belting out music and speech, me being me had to investigate. well it came from the Presidents palace area, more security than people, brass bands marching soldiers and so on I stayed there for hours, and walked around the area where they were preparing to march, and there were all these lovely patient people sitting around waiting their turn, there were men shouting out instructions, whilst looking at this Neil rang me on my mobile and asked what I was doing, I said I was watching this parade outside the Presidents Palace, and I said there are not many here watching, he said that is a rehearsal for Friday Taiwan's National day, and he said they will do it again tomorrow. it must have been very hard on the youngsters waiting all that time to do their thing. I did video a lot of their marches, there was also a fly past. Just look at these lovely patient people

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lovely photos as always.