Saturday 11 October 2008

11 October 2008

Last Wednesday I was walking along the underground tunnel and a lady walked out from a shop and said to me Jesus loves you, I was down and low and what that meant to me was so great, there is more to what happened that day, Today I went out wondering what I should do when a thought came into my head to go and thank that lady, well as soon as she saw me she waved, I called her over and tried to explain what she had said and done the other day meant so much to me, she could not understand and left the shop and took me 50 yards the the underground station and got a man who spoke English, when I told her through him about loosing brother John and what she had said meant so much to me, she held my hand and cuddled me, I asked the station man to take a picture of us both which you will see below, she walked me back to the shop I took a picture of her and the blind massager's, while taking picture she was called so she is not looking at the camera, after this her love for me was so wonderful, whilst we were talking a young man about 17 came over and she said something to him and he said she is my mother, I said she is a wonderful Lady, and he said thank you, with that they both cuddled me, was a bit teary all the time, but as Linda my niece says Fryer's are Crier's (Fryer being the Family name)

One thing I wish I were able to help that poor young blind man sitting there motionless I have prayed for him, and ask that you all do the same

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