Sunday 5 October 2008

05 October 2008

The ferryman on Xindian River

Lifesaver Training class on Xindian River this was the roll call

The ferryman with clients

The noodle maker at work in his shop

Just some more of the family clan, not sure but I think the first one is Florence named after Mum

Pinewood is the sanatorium that Betty was in for TB, she is one person who I shall never for get for her words to me, I was sitting with her in her room when sick in Westlake Road after coming out of Pinewood, she used to teach me how to knit, when she said David I don't feel well, I said will I get mum to get Doctor, these words I will never forget, She said NO I want to see my Jesus, I went outside and was crying on the hallway steps when mum said what was wrong I told her Betty was dying she said no she's not, I had to leave to do my paper run, I cried all the way to the shop, and they asked me what was wrong and I told them, I had to deliver a paper at home, and as I got home I went in and just as Betty passed away, can you imagine how distraught i was finishing the paper round. God has blessed me with such wonderful brothers and sisters who I love, and remembering what Mum said before she passed away, she said I WANT YOU ALL TO LOVE ONE ANOTHER, AND I AM SURE WE DO

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wonderful memories you have posted and shared here.