Monday 31 December 2007

31 December 2007

Not Much today, the place in the first picture where the first car is parked is a home made of 4 Sea cargo containers, two each side atop each other; with an area between for a restaurant type thing
Latest Dogie Mobile
Sign in Botanical Gardens
Presidents Palace
Guard with Rifle at the Ready
across the road army buses and razor wire rolls
People enjoying cheap noodle's on the road

30 December 2007

Before you read on, for some unknown reason the date stamp on my camera reset to the original date and I did not notice until this evening it is from the 28/12/2007 onwards.

Today was a great day we returned to the Pottery Village with some friends of Neil's who are now mine, Husband Allen and wife Emmie, their son Evan, her sister Phoebe and her son Tino plus another friend Daniel, The two young guys think I look like Father Christmas and they are great pleasure to be with. We spent quite a time in a pottery making our own pottery myself a Coffee Mug, Emmi painted her own mug, Neil made two little animal statues a dragon and a rabbit, most of the things can be seen in the following picturesTino. Me and Evan
Allen, Tino, Me and Phoebe
Me, Phoebe, Allen and the Teacher
Master and Pupil
Emmie and David
Phoebe, Emmie and Neil
One of Neil's master pieces

Neil and self above and below

Evan and Tino

David, Evan and Tino

Phoebe laying down the law with a rolling pin
Allen, Emmie, David and Neil you can just see Phoebe between David and Neil
Allen, Emmie, Evan and self

Allen, Emmie David and Neil Back row Phoebe Evan and Tino front row
Phoebe, Tino, Emmie, Evan, Allen, David and Neil at the entrance to the restaurant where we had lunchPhoebe, Tino, David, Emmie, Evan, Allen and Daniel
All at Lunch
Nobody Knew who these people were but they looked great

Friday 28 December 2007

29 December 2007

Today we were looking at the shops it being quite cold, we stopped of at the water park and Just took a few pictures there, the fish and the delight the young boy got from throwing bread to them and seeing them rush for it, and the lady in the last last picture was waiting to take someone for a ride

28 December 2007

Another vegetable gardener at the bottom of the hill a young man this time

Lunch break at Guting
A man being booked for Illegal trading but still selling as he is booked, and the lady packing goods up to move to another place he took a big risk doing it there on that main intersection

Thursday 27 December 2007

27 December 2007

Today I went to DanShui again but walked the opposite direction and below are some of my pictures Fishing Boats

Trees growing over the footpath and over the river, nice shady spot

Wedding pics on the waters edge, who went in at the deep end?

Boys will be boys , and middle age men try to be

Wednesday 26 December 2007

26 December 2007

Today Boxing Day is a normal working day here, so I went for my normal walk down the Mountain and part way down This old lady in her 70's or 80's is there every day working hard she is bent over and you can see a big brace up her back trying to keep her upright, wonderful old lady The rest of the day Just wandered around and took some pictures in the park of the winter flower show.