Monday 10 December 2007

09 December 2007

Today is a sad day for Taiwan this president and his government have said that the Chaing Kai-shek Memorial should be renamed after 50 years, and that it should be called The Taiwan Democracy Memorial, and most people here disagree with him, he wants to call it democracy he is not going about changing the name in a very democratic way. I went to enter at the rear section today and the first picture shows what was there
The Media watch
the Main entrance where the names are being changed, the local council has refused to change the name of the station; for a president and wife who have corruption charges against them, and have had any evidence taken away from the prosecutor's and had it placed in the presidents palace using a unusual thing by saying is is under state security, but I am told they have enough evidence to put the son-in-law away for 8 years for insider trading

Some other views of Taipei today

Youngsters having clean fun

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