Saturday 8 December 2007

07 December 2007

Today was a day in Taiwan I will never forget, when walking down the steep hill as I do every day, there is a turning off to the left going no-where but a vacant block of land, when passing I did notice this car smashed against the concrete wall, it looked real odd as it would have had to hit it a speed and coming up a very steep hill, it looked as if it had been there awhile as I could see nobody; being me I was a bit inquisitive and walked up to the car and to my shock there was an injured man in the drivers seat, he was struggling for his mobile I found it very hard not being able to speak Chinese, I rushed to the road and ran out trying to stop someone to come help but nobody would stop lots of them, I was yelling, I could not get into the car, however the man got his mobile and was able to ring the emergency number, I stayed till they came, they were very quick, soon after his son arrived on the scene, you can see in the second picture the mans arm on the window. The medics could only open the door far enough to get the man out; he had Injured his chest and body. I spoke to his son just before they rushed off and he said that his dad told him he fell asleep at the wheel, getting back to the people not stopping; one man came up the hill on a scooter he looked and carried on, ten minutes later he came back down with a women on the back; he pointed to the car and carried on down the hill, after the ambulance had arrived he came back up the hill alone but the lady was on another scooter seeing the ambulance they both stopped and looked, I felt like going to them and giving them a mouth full. Go to Bottom picture for other gripe.

At the bus terminus we have to queue for the bus the 839, I was at the front of a long queue when this lady walks to the front with a book and leans on the fence reading, she has done it a few times before and as soon as our bus comes she gets on first, today I told her off, but this is not uncommon with well dressed women here they think they are above everyone.

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