Tuesday 25 December 2007

25December 2007

Christmas day we had Our Lunch at a Restaurant in Taipei City, Neil had to go back to work after so I had a look around town, you can see the Steam On my Meal against my jumper and glasses (left eye)
Squirrel silhouette
Guys preparing for a Dragon Dance, I did have some good pictures taken with the leaders of this, But Neil advised me not to put them on my blog, its funny you know I have 5 friends in China who can't see my blog because it is blocked by the government there somehow, it having Taiwan in the name

Below more protests against this President here, the bundle on the ground represents the president and people were doing all types of things to it like kicking it; jumping and other: The President told people on TV last week who have lived here all there lives and their parents to go back to Bloody China if they did not like him.

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