Thursday 6 December 2007

06 December 2007

Today I went to a different area of Taipei City and had a nice walk through a very nice park area, There was so much to see I shall return, the pictures below are from that park and the suburb Main Centre It is a beautiful place Neil says the real estate is expensive in that area.

A man preparing to fish
Two young men that started talking with me we (one of them) spoke for ages they are pharmacist's on their day of work and say they love to relax in this park away from the noise of where they work, Jerry in the black Jumper spoke good English but his friend none at all

The Main shopping centre they are building a new metro section above ground you can see it in this picture in the centre should be finished in 2 to 3 Years By the way the Taipei Metro Was again voted the best in the world, in every category, cleanleness, on time, and it is to the seconds I can atest to that

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